Turunçlu Günler

23 Nisan 2007

Altin Hizma Mulayim

17 Nisan 2007


Tam, "Kendimi bildim bileli en iyi yaptigim sey, belki de hayatta uzman oldugum tek alan olan ogrenciligim iki bucuk ay sonra sona eriyor; geri sayim basladi artik" diye dusunurken, fark ettim ki ogrencilik hayatim ardi arkasi kesilmeyen geri sayimlardan ibaretmis zaten. Turk egitim sisteminin ve bize asiladigi "surec-degil-sonuc" felsefesinin de katkilariyla, ilkokula basladigimdan beri 21 sene geri sayarak gecmis gitmis. Yaz tatili, subat tatili, bayram , anadolu lisesi sinavi, hazirlik finali, fen lisesi sinavi, bitmek tukenmek bilmeyen deneme sinavlari, universite sinavi, proficeincy, final donemi, les, master tez onerisi, master tezi, gre, toefl, yeterlik sinavi, makale teslimi, tez onerisi...ve dokotra tezi.

Umarim, bu senelerdir artik kemiklesmis olan geri sayma aliskanligim da ogrenciligim ile birlikte son bulur. Artik sadece kendime karsi sorumlu oldugum icin, ki bunu ne kadar buyuk bir heyecanla bekledigimi anlatamam, ogrenme sureclerimden de zevk almayi, birseyi bitirme zorunlulugum olmadan, sadece kendi istedigim icin yapmayi ogrenmek, buna alismak istiyorum.

Herseyin bu kadar kolay olmadiginin farkindayim, yine bu "deadline"lar pesimi birakmayacak is hayatim boyunca da: makale teslimleri, konferans sunuslari, kidem hevesi ve hirsi, arastirma onerileri, docentlik sinavi...Ama bunlar karsima birer birer ciktiginda, artik sadece kendime karsi sorumlu oldugumu kendime hatirlatip, baskalarinin benden ne bekledigini tahmin ettigime gore degil de, ne istedigime gore davranabilmeyi umud ediyorum.

Butun bunlari dedikten sonra; son geri sayim baslasin: tezimi komiteme teslim etmeme bir ay, savunmama da bir bucuk ay kaldi....

Artik tezim en iyi dostum, sabahlari ona gunaydin deyip, geceleri onun ustune ortecegim yatmadan, kopek dislerim sivrilip, gozlerim gunes isigina bakamaz olana kadar geceleri odama kapanip yazacagim.

Haydi hayirli olsun, umalim son olsun...

12 Nisan 2007


"There are lots of different kinds of circadian rythms. Most people are B-persons, which means that their circadian rythm has a cycle that runs through 25 hours.

B-persons finds it easy to stay awake in the evening; but has difficulties waking up in the morning – the time where the A-persons are most active.
Every human has a so called inner clock, which is regulated by the earlier mentioned clock-genes.

A B-person has a strive for staying awake untill late at night – for instance, to go to bed at 1 or 2 a.m. and then sleep a little longer in the morning.
If a B-person and an A-person goes to sleep at the same time, and rise at the same time early, the morning wil be experienced differently as the body-temperature of the A-person is higher than that of the B-person at this point.

The B-person therefore has a very good reason for feeling drowsy, as it is still ”night” (”time for sleep”) for the B-person."

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2 Nisan 2007

Spiritual Experience?!

"It seemed to Arthur as if the whole sky suddenly just stood aside and let them through.
It seemed to him that the atoms of his brain and the atoms of the cosmos were streaming through each other.
It seemed to him that he was blown on the wind of the Universe, and that the wind was him.
It seemed to him that he was one of the thoughts of the Universe and that the Universe was a thought of his.

'What happened?' whispered Arthur in considerable awe.
'The spaceship just took off' they replied.

Arthur lay in startled stillness on the couch. He was not certain whether he had just got space-sickness or religion."

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Life, the Universe and Everything